Emilio Delgado López-Cózar
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Emilio Delgado López-Cózar is a Professor of research methodology at the University of Granada, and cofounder of the EC3 Research Group (Science and Scientific Communication Evaluation). He has developed a number of tools for scientific evaluation, including IN-RECS, IN-RECJ, IN-RECH (impact factor of Spanish journals in the Social Sciences, Legal Sciences, and Humanities), the I-UGR Ranking of Spanish universities, RESH (Spanish Journals in the Social Sciences, and Humanities), CIRC (Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals), EC3 Metaranking of Spanish Universities, H-Index of Spanish journals in the Social and Legal Sciences, H-Index of Spanish Journals according to Google Scholar Metrics, Co-Author Index, Publishers Scholar Metrics, The Spanish Library and Information Science according to Google Scholar Citations, Book Publishers Library Metrics, and CIENTÍFICA. He is also a cofounder of the scientific consulting spin-off EC3metrics. He has authored more than 200 publications, and his lines of research are focused on the evaluation of scientific performance and scientific journals, the study of research in Library and Information Science, and the assessment of scientific performance of authors and institutions.
Verónica Lorenzo-Sar

Verónica Lorenzo-Sar es estudiante del Máster en Información y Comunicación Científica en la Universidad de Granada. Entre 2008 y 2013 obtuvo la Diplomatura en Biblioteconomía y Documentación y la Licenciatura en Documentación en la Universidade da Coruña
Alberto Martín-Martín
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Alberto Martín-Martín is an FPU (University Professor Training) Research Fellow and PhD Candidate in the field of bibliometrics and scientific communication at the University of Granada. His earlier degrees in Library and Information Science are from the same university, where he graduated with honours. He is currently a member of the EC3 Research Group, where he has collaborated in various research projects, technical reports and journal articles since 2013.
Juan Manuel Ayllón
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Juan Manuel Ayllón Millán is an FPI (Predoctoral Research Grant) Research Fellow and a PhD Candidate in the field of bibliometrics and scientific communication at the University of Granada. His earlier degrees in Library and Information Science are from the same university. He is also a member of the EC3 Research Group.
Contact information:
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar: edelgado@ugr.es
Verónica Lorenzo-Sar: vrcn.lorenzo@gmail.com